Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Churchill Quote Assesment

Although it seems hypocritical of us to view Nazi agression as wrong, when so often the United States has used agressive tactics in controlling their territories, I think that the two are different. Hitler's aim, and the Nazi mentality, was to complete erase, eradicate, and eliminate an entire race of people. I think that this is the critical difference between agression of Germany and the agression of other nations. Even though the United States committed atrocities in the Philippines and in their Latin American interventions, I don't think the aim was to eliminate a complete race of people, to "blot them from the map of the world", so to speak. The agressions of the United States were a result of imperialistic policies, while German agression was the result of world domination.  Even other acts of agression, such as British atrocities in India, and French control of German territory, while horrible events, are not on the same scale as the Holocaust. 


  1. I agree with the idea that intervention of the other world powers in comparison to the rise of Nazi Germany is signficantly different. Britian intervened in India so that it could have a dependable market and supply of raw materials. Its goal wan't to wipe out all of India like the holocaust was for Jewish people.

  2. I agree. And no matter how foolish it may seem, I think we were thinking we were doing the right thing. I don't think we have ever gone into another area of the planet with a main goal of causing destruction and mayhem while gaining power, but this is exactly what Hitler did. The simple fact that we both committed atrocities is where the similarities end between the US and Hitler's Germany.

  3. Erase, eridicate and eliminate? Thats like sudden instant death! Thats quite alot of death happening. But a nice alliteration nonetheless. I don't think that Germany was catching up to other world powers, I think that the whole plan for war was manufactured by Hilter, and it basically had to do with restoring pride to Germany, through the erasing elimanination and eradification of people that were not deemed benficial to Germany. Overal, the war was about manipulation and strayed away from any real intentions of benefitting the country, as Germany was again destroyed by a war that it couldn't win.

  4. Throughout all of history aggression has played a major role in the lives of many. Atrocities take place all over the world and all the time. The Nazi atrocities are referenced so often because they happened less than a century ago and involved so many different groups of people, affecting millions of lives. Hitler was an extremist and sadly I don't believe that atrocities will always be able to be stopped, similarly to the League of Nations' and other countries not stopping Germany.

  5. I think the scale of the Holocaust is what makes it different from attrocities elsewhere in the world. This does not justify attrocities committed by the United States, it just goes to say that the Nazi genocide got more attention and is seen as so much worse because of the sheer number of people killed.
